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Name: Dagwood Dog (the Collector of Weirdness)
Born: November 5 1975
Occupation: Student

Friend(s): Wayne Crest, Eddie Good, and Lillian (Lily) Zinger
Pet(s): the Dead One
Location: the outskirts of Fergus, Ontario, Canada
Activities: LARPing, and PC gaming
Collector of: plastic swords, roadkill bits, and epic-looking rocks/stones
Favourite music: classical music
Favourite movie(s): none
Favourite animal part(s): the bones

Favourite TV show(s): none
Favourite PC game(s): almost all of the medieval-like ones!

And now my friends!

Name: Wayne Crest
Born: June 15 1974
Occupation: Student
Friend(s): Dagwood Dog, Eddie Good, Lillian (Lily) Zinger, and others whom I do not know!
Pet(s): none
Location: in the outskirts of Fergus, Ontario, Canada
Activities: LARPing, PC gaming, and playing with fire
Collector of: plastic axes, sharp sticks, and medieval-style helms
Favourite music: metal (all kinds)
Favourite movie(s): none
Favourite animal part(s): none
Favourite TV show(s): almost anything on TV
Favourite PC game(s): almost all of the war world 2 ones

Name: Eddie Good
Born: August 23rd 1976
Occupation: fashion designer
Friend(s): Dagwood Dog, Wayne Crest, Lillian (Lily) Zinger, and some others usually ol' Betties

Pet(s): none
Location: in the outskirts of Fergus, Ontario, Canada
Activities: LARPing, "shopping", and cooking
Collector of: purses, jewelry, clothes in general, and various make-up crap
Favourite music: whatever's in according to Eddie
Favourite movie(s): almost all of the romance or romantic comedies ones
Favourite animal part(s): none
Favourite TV show(s): almost of all the Soap Operas, and other TV which contains "romance" (pukes!)
Favourite PC game(s): none

Name: Lillian (Lily) Zinger
Born: February 12 1978
Occupation: Student
Friend(s): Dagwood Dog, Wayne Crest, Eddie Good, and some other feral-like men and women
Pet(s): none
Location: in the outskirts of Fergus, Ontario, Canada
Activities: LARPing, running, walking, eating roadkill and garbage, traveling about, and exploring the county roads
Collector of: roadkill, garbage, sticks, and other various things
Favourite music: none
Favourite movie(s): none
Favourite animal part(s): almost every part of every animal
Favourite TV show(s): none
Favourite PC game(s): none